Z-SYSTEMSは、いくつかの歯科医院で、現在市販されている全製品の臨床研究および登録フォローアップ研究をサポートしています。主にスイス、ドイツ、スペインで実施されています。さらに、5カ国9つの大学で積極的に代表を務め、in vitroとin vivoの両方の科学研究をサポートしています。
First clinical results of dental screw implants made of zirconium oxide
Zirconium dioxide implants – Practical experience: What are the aesthetic benefits of ceramic implants?
Two-piece zirconia implants with two various platforms: RCCT’s preliminary results
Five-year success rate of 831 consecutively placed zirconia dental implants in humans: A comparison of three different rough surfaces
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2010; 25(2): 336–344
Olivia J. et al.
Zirconia dental implants: A clinical, radiographic, and microbiologic evaluation up to 3 years
One-piece ceramic implants: A longitudinal study over a two-year observation period
Two-piece zirconia implants in the posterior mandible and maxilla: A cohort study with a follow-up period of 9 years
Quality of the peri-implant soft tissue attachment of zirconia implants (-abutments): Comparison of the results of a literature review with the experiences of dental practitioners
A systematic review of the clinical survival of zirconia implants
Zirconia dental implants: Investigation of clinical parameters, patient satisfaction, and microbial contamination
Increased levels of dissolved titanium are associated with peri-implantitis – a cross-sectional study
Ligature-induced peri-implant bone loss around loaded zirconia and titanium implants
Is there a better biomaterial for dental implants than titanium? – A review and meta-study analysis
Bone tissue responses to surface-modified zirconia implants: A histomorphometric and removal torque study in the rabbit
Osseointegration of zirconia implants with different surface characteristics: an evaluation in rabbits
A new testing protocol for zirconia dental implants
The impact of in vitro accelerated aging, approximating 30 and 60 years in vivo, on commercially available zirconia dental implants
Stability assessment of 85 standblasted and laser-etched surface zirconia implant using the periotest method over 4 months of bone integration time
Osseointegration of titanium, titanium alloy and zirconia dental implants: Current knowledge and open questions
Quality assessment of five randomly chosen ceramic oral implant systems: Cleanliness, surface topography, and clinical documentation
Zirconia and radioactivity: An in vitro study to establish the presence of radionuclides in dental zirconia
Influence of multiple used implant drills on their cutting performance and fracture resistance
Histologic osseointegration level comparing titanium and zirconia dental implants: Meta-analysis of preclinical studies
Electrical implications of corrosion for osseointegrationof titanium implants
Titanium allergy: Could it affect dental implant integration?
Dental implants stimulate expression of interleukin-8 and its receptor in human blood – an in vitro approach
Genetic and immunological markers predict titanium implant failure: A retrospective study
Increased frequency of delayed type hypersensitivity to metals in patients with connective tissue disease
Can degradation products released from dental implants affect peri-implant tissues?
Titanium allergy caused by dental implants: A systematic literature review and case report
Z-Systems Online Magazin

Webinar: am Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025 mit Dr. Giancarlo Bianca

KURS: Fortbildung in keramischer Implantologie am 8. März 2025 in Porto mit Dr. Mariane Sordi

WEBINAR: Impianti in Zirconia: Performance Cliniche e Prospettive Future by Dr. Stefano Pieralli

Keramikimplantat Expertenkurs Dr. Börner

WEBINAR: Sofortbelastungsprotokolle mit Z-SYSTEMS-Zirkonoxidimplantaten mit Dr. Giancarlo Bianca

WEBINAR: Runder Tisch: Klinische Falldiskussion mit Kian Dilmaghani, MSc., Dr. Jorge Cortes Breton Brinkmann & Dr. Gabor Roza

Heute stellen wir vor: Dr. Salwa Ouertani

38. DGI-Kongress: Risiken, Misserfolge, Lerngeschenke

40. Jahrestagung des BDO

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